Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Better than Bombs or Bullets

As I saw the news this past week of the tragic deaths at Fort Hood, I knew what the responses would be. From one side, we would be told "not to judge too quickly," and some people were even angry that the killer's name was mentioned, since it was definitely Arabic/Muslim. From the other side came the other extreme, that we needed to ship all Muslims back to the Middle East, and that we could trust none of them.

I hope that as you read this, your sentiments lie somewhere between. No, not all Muslims are terrorists, but sadly, in the past ten years, nearly all terrorists have been Muslims. Not since the Oklahoma City bombings have we seen an exception to this rule.

So what should we do? More bombs in the Middle East? Declare war on another Arab nation? These actions have not worked very well so far. I suggest a Weapon more powerful than any that has been unleashed on any nation. I suggest we unload a Prayer Bomb.

Jesus commanded us to "pray to the Lord of the Harvest, that He send laborers into the harvest." The Bible tells us that if we ask anything according to God's will, He will do it. What better indication of God's will than praying as He has commanded us to? Every time a believer asks God to send more laborers into the harvest, it is done immediately. I pray this daily, and lead my church in praying it when we are together. Our one small church has used this promise to unleash thousands of laborers into the harvest. Imagine what would be happening if every church in America began to pray this prayer, regularly and fervently.

So what does this have to do with bombs? I believe that we at our church are bombarding the kingdom of the evil one with these prayers, which he sees as "weapons of mass destruction." Prayer hits the very foundations of Satan's kingdom. It crumbles the base on which he has built. It destroys his work.

In one way, I, as a Christian, am like these radical Muslims. I believe that there is one true God, and one true way to salvation. I believe that the Christianity that Jesus Himself brought to earth is the only way to God's favor, and that all other religions are wrong. I don't even accept Allah as a true god, but see him as an imposter.

My difference is in my response. I do not believe that it is my job to "kill the infidels." I think it is my joyous obligation to love them, to pray for them, and to ask the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into Allah's back yard with the truth of the Gospel.

Christ's coming put an end to the edge of the sword. True conversion is not brought about by intimidation or extermination. I desire no one's death, and wish that Osama bin Laden himself could find saving faith in Christ Jesus, the only way to God.

From my prayer closet, I am bombarding Teheran, Baghdad, Kabul, and Riyadh. I am dropping prayer bombs all over the Middle East that is cloaked in the darkness of deception. I'm also praying for Jerusalem, where Christ is excluded. I'm praying for Pyong Yang, for Calcutta, for Moscow, for Shanghai, and for Manila. I am an equal-opportunity bomber. I am dropping prayer bombs on New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Miami. I am also remembering small communities, and I have dropped bombs in my own neighborhood.

One well-said prayer, in accordance with God's will, can do infinitely more than bombs, bullets, or ballots. We need to bombard the strongholds of Satan in our world, whether it's on the other side of the world, or in our own backyard.

I invite you to Command Center. We pray at our church. Especially I invite you to Wednesday night, where we get specific. I drop bombs because I love people. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. May His Gospel sweep over the dark places of this earth like a spiritual Tsunami, wrecking the foundations of evil and deception. Pray for the light of the Gospel to shine in these areas. It's a prayer with a guaranteed answer!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Control of the Executive Branch

I was disturbed -- in fact, distressed -- as I read my latest copy of the Baptist Standard today. It seems that some preacher is praying for the death of our president. He is praying publicly for him to develop a brain tumor and die. I am sometimes ashamed to be a member of the ministerial fraternity because of nuts like this one who claim to speak for all of us.

I am not in agreement with many of our president's policies and actions, and he is not the only one whose policies I have opposed. But there is a strong biblical injunction to pray for those who are in authority (and God was not talking about brain tumors). We are told in Romans 13 to respect those in authority over us. Peter told us to "fear God and honor the king."

But perhaps the strongest verse of all is in Proverbs 21:1. We are told that the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, and like rivers of water, He turns it as He wishes. Kings, prime ministers, presidents, dictators -- they all have one thing in common: God has a grip on their hearts. They do nothing that surprises Him, and never catch Him off-guard.

I have access to that powerful Hand. Through intercessory prayer, I can touch the hearts of kings. I would humbly like to add that I have seen some prayers of mine apparently answered in the life and administration of our president already.

I will not join the multitudes that are preaching against him in their pulpits. I will not be a part of those who lash out and complain against him. I will certainly not be a part of the evil that masquerades as prayer when some uninformed and spiritually ignorant pastor calls for the death of the president.

Instead, I will continue to enter the throneroom of the King of Kings. I will claim my access to His mighty Hand, and I will petition Him to move the heart of our president, our congress and senate, our courts, and our elected officials all over this country.

And I will continue to see those prayers answered. Would anyone care to join me?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Chance to Expand

It's good to be able to share ideas. Some Sundays, the auditorium is full and at noon, I leave with frustration, thinking that I really did not have anything that special to give to the people who came. Then there are the Sundays when I'm excited about what I have discovered, and due to circumstances beyond my control, many cannot be here -- people that I wanted to share my ideas with and get feedback. This place -- Sermon Bytes -- is where I can post the things I'm most excited about, the things that I think God has given me to tell others. I'm leaving the comments tab open, and want to hear feedback.

Champion Baptist Church is a church of great heritage, and has survived rural West Texas conditions for over 100 years. We know we are here for a purpose, and welcome the opportunity to go world wide with our message.

I hope I say something to you that you find helpful. That's all this is for.

-- Bruce Parsons, pastor
Champion Baptist Church
Champion, Texas