Monday, September 21, 2009

My Control of the Executive Branch

I was disturbed -- in fact, distressed -- as I read my latest copy of the Baptist Standard today. It seems that some preacher is praying for the death of our president. He is praying publicly for him to develop a brain tumor and die. I am sometimes ashamed to be a member of the ministerial fraternity because of nuts like this one who claim to speak for all of us.

I am not in agreement with many of our president's policies and actions, and he is not the only one whose policies I have opposed. But there is a strong biblical injunction to pray for those who are in authority (and God was not talking about brain tumors). We are told in Romans 13 to respect those in authority over us. Peter told us to "fear God and honor the king."

But perhaps the strongest verse of all is in Proverbs 21:1. We are told that the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, and like rivers of water, He turns it as He wishes. Kings, prime ministers, presidents, dictators -- they all have one thing in common: God has a grip on their hearts. They do nothing that surprises Him, and never catch Him off-guard.

I have access to that powerful Hand. Through intercessory prayer, I can touch the hearts of kings. I would humbly like to add that I have seen some prayers of mine apparently answered in the life and administration of our president already.

I will not join the multitudes that are preaching against him in their pulpits. I will not be a part of those who lash out and complain against him. I will certainly not be a part of the evil that masquerades as prayer when some uninformed and spiritually ignorant pastor calls for the death of the president.

Instead, I will continue to enter the throneroom of the King of Kings. I will claim my access to His mighty Hand, and I will petition Him to move the heart of our president, our congress and senate, our courts, and our elected officials all over this country.

And I will continue to see those prayers answered. Would anyone care to join me?